iLife X (iLife '10) feature requests/wishlist
In addition to current iLife ('09) application features:
All iLife X apps:
-OpenCL integration for increased parallel computing power.
-New unified iLife GUI based on the new OSX Snow Leopard 'Marble' theme.
-Enhanced system integration.
iMovie X
-3rd-party .qtz plug-in support. Effects, themes, titles, maps, transitions, etc.
-Stop-animation mode.
-Music video mode.
-Multiple camera support.
-Built-in advanced keying and compositing. Lights, blasts, impacts, particles, green-screen, and other animations. Something like VisionLab Studio.
-More built in effects, themes, titles, maps, and transitions.
iWeb X
-Integrated dynamic content. Think SproutBuilder or Wix.
-Master Pages. I hate how if you use an image on two separate pages it has to reload when you click on the second page. It looks amateurish in my opinion.
-Built-in widget library. Jukeboxes, video players, mini-pages, lightboxes, slideshows, etc.
-Built-in dynamic transitions.
-Fully customizable site-preloader page.
-3rd-party plug-in/widget support.
GarageBand X
-Ability to program chord/key changes, and time signature changes.
-96khz "best" mode
-Multitrack MIDI recording. For example, use a v-drum kit to record drums while you simultaneously record keyboard parts on a synth controller, etc. Using a pulldown menu in the track editor you would select your midi input device, just the same way you select an audio input on a real instrument track.
-Remote session recording. I live in Minneapolis, you live in Tokyo, our vocalist is in Vancouver, and our drummer lives in London - and we all collaborate/record together. There is a great AU plug-in that exists called Virtual Glass, but the services cost is way out of most users ballpark. I imagine an apple version that uses iChat technology to do it even better with a beautiful GarageBand GUI. In addition, imagine using screen-sharing to collaborate on mixing the final product over the internet.
-Deeper, more advanced right-clickable audio editing capabilities in the editing pane. Cut, Copy, Paste, Silence, Fade, Split, Join, Normalize, Reverse.
-Sample-accurate editing in the editing pane.
-Improved support for REX, and Acid Loops.
-Support for loading Reason Refills, Kontakt libraries, and 3rd-party EXS24 libraries into the generator as well as improved Soundfont library support. I imagine clicking on a box next to the generator pulldown menu, and having a generator GUI pop-up.
-Built-in arpeggiator on Software Instrument tracks.
-Built-in chord generator on Software Instrument tracks.
-An integrated "Remove Noise" slider in the track info/editor of Real Instrument tracks, based on the advanced noise removal algorithm in Soundtrack Pro.
-A "file browser" in the media browser/loops pane where you can search files and folders from your entire hard drive, attached drives, or networked drives.
-Flex Time/Pitch editing similar to Celemony Melodyne.
iPhoto X
-More advanced image editing. Filters, effects, brushes, and tools. See Nolobe Iris.
-Export Library to iDVD.
-3rd-party plug-in support.
-Ability to optimize photos for the web.
-iPhoto Home Sharing
-Complete disc burning/archival and distribution utility. BD, DVD, CD, VCD, YouTube, File-Server, etc.
-Better and easier customization tools. More flexible GUI.
-Tons of more built-in themes, titles, animations, and transitions.
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