Mac OSX 10.6 "Snow Leopard" is due out anytime now, and there are a few simple tweaks that I hope to see apple address with this installment of the next generation system software.
1. A wider library of network device icons. All the Apple devices on your network have appropriate icons in the finder(Time Capsule, AppleTV, MacBooks, iMacs, Mac Minis, Mac Pros, eMacs, etc...) but every other type of network device shows up as a generic PC monitor with the so called "blue screen of death" on it. I hope Apple creates either a big library of device icons, or a way for users to change the icons of shared/network devices. If, for instance, I have a WD ShareSpace on my network, I would like the icon to be a representation of it.
2. The unified 'Marble' theme that everyone keeps talking about. I think it'd be a thing of beauty. There are too many different UI elements in the current OS.
3. Full OpenCL integration across every application and system function. Just imagine the possibilities for media apps like iLife with all that parallel processing power.
4. Multi-client iChat. Full support for AIM, Bonjour, Jabba, MSN, Y!, Myspace, Facebook, ICQ, and Google Talk with video/voice. There would be no reason to resort to Adium any longer.
5. Open API. I think third party developers should be able to offer updates through Software Update.
6. Wine-like execution of Windows binaries on x86 machines. No more need for Crossover(sorry Code Weavers).
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